Promotion_Campaign_Assignent Element
The <promotion-campaign-assignment> element is at the top level in the XML for assignment of promotions to campaigns.
When using the <promotion-campaign-assignment> element, keep the following in mind:
- Each <promotion-campaign-assignment> element requires a <promotion-id> and <campaign-id> that match a valid promotion and campaign. If a promotion or campaign isn't found, an error message is logged and the element is skipped.
- All contained elements are optional. When optional elements are not provided for existing assignments in MERGE or UPDATE modes, the corresponding values are not changed. When optional elements are not provided for new assignments in MERGE and REPLACE modes, default values are used.
- Deletes are supported for the <promotion-campaign-assignment> element using mode="delete".
- When only <promotion-id> or <campaign-id> is provided with a delete, it acts as a wildcard delete. The delete can be for assignments of a specified promotion to all campaigns, or the assignments of all promotions to a specified campaign.
- When both <promotion-id> and <campaign-id> are provided, it's a delete of the assignment of the specified promotion to the specified campaign.
- A warning message is logged if the wildcard delete can't be performed because no assignments match the criteria.