
You can schedule campaigns, A/B tests, promotions, and content slots. If you schedule an experience (promotion or content slot) so that it doesn't coincide with the container (campaign or A/B test), it can't run.

Salesforce B2C Commerce considers the scheduled start and end times of the containing campaign or A/B test when computing the maximum cache time.

Campaigns and A/B tests can have an optional start date and time and an optional end date and time. If a start date isn't set, the container is effective immediately. If an end date isn't set, it runs continuously.

Promotions and content slots can also have a start date and time and an end date and time within the experience time frame, known as the effective period. If these dates aren't set, the experience inherits the schedule from the container. An experience can't start before its container or end after. You can schedule an experience to run at specific times of the day or on specific days of the week.

For example, your promotion runs on every Monday in the summer. You can also select multiple days for a recurring weekend-only sale on Saturdays and Sundays. You can use time of day to configure a lunchtime promotion that runs from 12–1 PM daily. You can also combine multiple-day and time-of-day promotions. For example, you can run a weekday lunchtime special."

Note: Schedule dates and times are determined using the instance (site) time zone. For example, if you set a time of 3 PM, your promotion triggers at 3 PM in the timezone of the site.
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