Start Log Center

Start Log Center by entering its URL in a browser. The Log Center URL contains the POD number and cylinder. Use 00 for a SIG and 01 for a PIG. For example, logcenter-<POD-No.><Cylinder>

  1. Open a browser.
  2. Enter the Log Center URL.
  3. Enter your username and password, and click Log In.

Logging into Log Center opens the dashboard, which lists the realms and instances you are permitted to see.

The dashboard also shows a histogram of the top stack traces over the last ten days. To show the exact count for each stack trace, hover over the bar in the chart. To view individual stack traces, you can click the horizontal labels.

To show stack traces for a particular time period in the histogram, toggle time filters by clicking the colored dates at the bottom of the histogram. You can also filter the stack traces by selecting individual realms and instance types.

You can also initiate a search using the Search menu.

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