Search Redirects

The Salesforce B2C Commerce guided search redirect feature enables you to direct a customer to a particular page, URL, or pipeline when they enter a search term. When the customer searches on a term, for example, the redirect returns a specific page, instead of returning product search results for the entered search keyword. With search redirects, you have more control over what customers see, enhancing their buying experience, and directing them to content or products that increase the likelihood that they make a purchase.

Managing Search Redirects

Note: Redirect functionality does not support redirects for static resources, such as images, at this time.
Note: You can also configure if you want to use HTTP or HTTPS for the destination protocol.

The following table shows some examples of possible search redirects.

The customer searches on... The redirect that appears is a...
career Specific landing page.

This gives the customer exactly the information they are looking for, instead of performing an irrelevant product search.

featured product

A microsite that has a different look and feel, content, or buyer's guide information.

For example, you want to create a microsite around a group of movie-related products.

a specific term Category page with a wide variety of equivalent products.

Search Redirect Options

Search redirect syntax options give you fine-grained control over how B2C Commerce triggers search redirects.

When the Search Redirect setting is Disabled, B2C Commerce processes keywords using the Exact match type. When the setting is Enabled, B2C Commerce processes keywords using any or all of the following match types: Exact, Phrase, Broad, and Negative.

Important: There can be up to 1500 redirects per site.

Each search redirect can be triggered by multiple, comma-separated keywords.

Exact Match

When the keyword phrase is enclosed in brackets, as in [mens shoes], the redirect rule triggers when the customer searches for the specific phrase mens shoes, in that order, with no other words in the search term, and with no variations in the keywords (that is, [mens shoe] singular does not trigger the rule).

This table shows an example:

Keywords Search redirect trigger for... Search redirect not triggered for...
[mens shoes] mens shoes

red mens shoes

men's shoes

[sandal] sandal

red sandal

mens sandal


Phrase Match

When the keyword phrase is enclosed in quotation marks, as in "mens shoes", the redirect rule triggers when the customer searches on the phrase mens shoes, with the words in that order. It can also appear for searches that contain other terms as long as it includes the exact phrase specified.

This table shows an example:

Keywords Search redirect trigger for... Search redirect not triggered for...
"mens shoes"

mens shoes

red mens shoes

mens shoes large

shoes men

men shoes

men's shoes



red sandals

mens sandals



Broad Match

When the keyword phrase contains mens shoes, with no quotation marks, the rule triggers when the customer's search term contains both mens and shoes in any order. The rule also triggers for singular/plural forms based on stemming for the specific language. Synonyms or other variations are not considered.

This table shows an example:

Keywords Search redirect trigger for... Search redirect not triggered for...
mens shoes

mens shoes

cheap shoes for men

buy mens shoes



cheap shoes



red sandals




Negative Match

When the keyword phrase is prefixed with a hyphen, the rule will not trigger for any searches that contain those terms. Negative keywords can only be used with at least one positive keyword. A search redirect containing only negative keywords will not be triggered for any keyword. For example, the keywords mens shoes, -used will trigger search redirects for mens shoes and cheap shoes for men, but not used shoes.

This table shows an example:

Keywords Search redirect trigger for... Search redirect not triggered for...
mens shoes, -used, -"running shoes" -basketball shoes,

mens shoes

cheap shoes for men

buy mens shoes

shoes running

mens basketball shoes

running shoes men

used shoes




How Search Redirects Work

B2C Commerce uses the SearchRedirectURL pipelet to integrate redirect evaluation into your storefront search flow. The SearchRedirectURL pipelet must be placed before the Search pipelet to ensure that the standard search is bypassed in case the user searches for a redirect keyword.

If the term matches a search redirect, the SearchRedirectURL pipelet calculates the fully qualified target URL based on the configured redirect action. The calculated URL can then be used in an ISML template to issue the actual HTTP redirect to the client browser. For an example, see the Search-Show subpipeline in SiteGenesis.

Note: You can download the SiteGenesis pipelines by creating a storefront cartridge in Studio.


For each search redirect, a list of keywords can be specified per locale. If there are no keywords defined for a specific locale for a search redirect, the standard locale fallback mechanism applies, as shown in the following example.

In this example, some locales have defined keywords and some do not. The locales that don't have defined keywords use the keywords provided via the fallback mechanism.

Locale Keywords
de MΓ€nnerschuhe, Damenschuhe, -gebraucht
es_ES "Zapatos de los hombres", "Zapatos de mujer", -utilizado
default mens shoes, womens shoes, -used
Keywords for the default locale are used when a customer browses using the en_US locale. This is because en_US defaults to en, which defaults to default. Both locales, en_US and en, use the default keywords: mens shoes, womens shoes, -used

The <de> locale is used when a customer browses using the de_DE or de_AT locale because both locales, containing no keywords, default to the de locale. A search by a customer in the es_ES locale uses the es_ES keywords and no fallback.