Configure the SFRA Cartridge Path

Before you can use the contents of a cartridge, upload the cartridge to the server and register the cartridge with the server. In Business Manager, register cartridges to a site. By registering cartridges, you make the cartridges available. Cartridges can be shared among sites.

  1. Select Administration > Sites > Manage Sites > site.
  2. Click the Settings tab.
  3. In the Cartridges field, enter a colon-separated list of cartridge names. Cartridges at the beginning of the list (at the left) take precedence over cartridges at the end of the path (at the right).
    • An SFRA storefront cartridge path can contain the following cartridges:
      plugin_applepay: app_storefront_base
    • A custom storefront cartridge path can contain the following cartridges:
      app_custom_mybrand: plugin_applepay: app_storefront_base
  4. Click Apply.
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