The SEO URLs URL Archive Tab

The URL Archive redirects out-dated URL mappings to the current URL mapping (as defined in your category and folder URL rules section) on your Staging and Production instance. When out-dated redirects, initiated by the archive, become obsolete (for example, because a category was deleted or because of ID changes), you can remove them on the URL archive tab by searching for the URL path or object ID.

To get your URL mappings live on your Production instance:

  1. Define rules on your Staging instance
  2. When ready, replicate it
  3. All mappings (which are now live on your Production instance) are added to the archive on your Staging instance.

During the URL replicate process, your URL Archive is also replicated.

For subsequent replications to Production with new mappings, the URL Archive contains the mapping from the prior replication process. With the new mappings, your out-dated mappings are automatically redirected to the new URL mappings.

Use this page to search for (and optionally delete) archived category, folder, and pipeline URLs.

You can also search for and delete mappings that reference no valid category, folder, or pipeline; or are defined in disabled locales.
Note: When upgrading to the URL Rules module from the SEO Support module, Salesforce B2C Commerce automatically creates redirects from your old URLs to your new URLs. These automatic redirects don't require manual configuration and mappings (no related mappings are placed in the URL archive).
  1. Select site > SEO > URL Rules.
    If you see the Search Support Preferences page instead of the URL Rules page General tab, navigate to Site Preferences > Storefront URLs to enable the URL Rules module.
  2. Click the URL Archive tab.
  3. With Simple selected, search for archived category, folder, and pipeline URLs.
    B2C Commerce redirects archived URLs to the URL of the current object.
    1. Enter an object ID or part of the URL
      The string must be entered exactly. Wildcards are not supported. Leaving the field blank will not find any search results. The search is case-sensitive, so if the case is not correct, the entry isn't found.

      Example 1: searching for an ID containing ipods

      Search Phrase Results Found
      ipods Yes
      ipod No
      Ipod No

      Example 2: searching for a URL containing electronics/ipods

      Search Phrase Results Found
      electronics/ipods Yes
      **, electronics/*, */ipods or */* No
      ElectroniCs/IpodS No
    2. Select the target of the URL: Category, Folder, or Pipeline.
    3. Click Find.
      The search shows results that find the search phrase in any of the categories in the table: archive URL, redirect URL, or object ID.
    4. Check the box for any redirects you want to remove and click Delete.
      You are asked to confirm that you want to delete the redirect.
    5. Click OK to permanently remove the redirect.
  4. With Cleanup selected, you can search for and delete mappings that reference no valid category, folder, or pipeline; or are defined in disabled locales.
    1. Select the object type: Category, Folder, or Pipeline.
    2. Click Find Invalid Items.
    3. From the results, select one or more archived URLs.
    4. Click Delete.