Data Replication Tasks

A data replication process includes one or more configurable tasks that handle different types of data.

When selecting replication tasks, be sure to consider the files they affect.

Note: Because the first replication to each target instance must be a full global replication that includes all data, you don’t select individual tasks for it.

Global Data Replication Tasks

Task Data Notes
Assignments All assignments and their mapping to qualifiers, sites, and experiences. Additionally, the corresponding system object type extensions for this replication group are updated on the target system. Assignments are a generic means to define what is active under a set of conditions. Assignments provide a way for the merchandiser to define the rules the shopper must meet to be eligible for what they receive - for example, Store-based pricing and promotion, and so on.
CSC Settings Customer Service Center settings  
CSRF allowlist Pipeline/Start Nodes All CSRF allowlist pipeline and start nodes  

Select one or more catalogs to replicate. Selecting Catalogs includes all catalogs.

Catalog content, including:
  • catalog-specific static content such as catalog image resources
  • Categories
  • Explicit recommendations
  • Products, including options, variation attributes, and sets
The following system object type extensions are also replicated:
  • Catalog
  • Category
  • CategoryAssignment
  • Product
  • Recommendation

Cross-catalog product references, such as category assignments and recommendations, aren’t considered. When replicating individual catalogs that could contain references to products in other catalogs, you must also replicate the referenced catalogs.

Be sure to replicate any custom objects used in catalog data, such as custom recommendation objects.

When replicating catalogs to production, be sure to replicate the associated search indexes at the same time.

Dynamic recommendations aren’t replicated, since they’re dynamically generated on each instance.

Catalog feeds aren’t replicated. Configure them directly on each instance.

The replicated folders are https://[hostname]/on/demandware.servlet/webdav/[organization]/Catalogs/[Catalog name] .

Custom Object Types System object type extensions and custom object types.

Always define custom object types in a staging instance and replicate them to development and production.

This replication task deletes or overwrites any custom object type that was defined directly in the target instance.

Always replicate a new or changed custom object type before replicating any custom objects of that type.

Replicating a custom object type replicates only the type's definition, not its object instances (unless you also replicate custom objects). For example, you can replicate a custom object type to production without also replicating objects of that type that were used for testing on staging. To prevent objects of a type from being included when custom objects are replicated, set the type to Not Replicable.

Although you can define custom objects at the global or site level, custom object types are always defined at the global level.

Custom Objects Organization-scope custom objects that are of types defined as Replicable. To make sure you have the latest version, this task also replicates custom object types that were already replicated.

Replicate a custom object type before replicating custom objects of that type.

Custom objects of types defined as Not Replicable aren’t included.

Customer Lists All customer lists, including their settings, such as password requirements Customer profiles and sequence numbers aren’t replicated.
Geolocations Geolocation data  
Global Sorting All global sorting rules  

Select Libraries to replicate shared library content. Select an individual library to include content belonging to it.

All shared library content, including content assets, folders, and library static content. The following system object type extensions are also replicated:
  • Content
  • Folder
  • Library
OAuth Providers All OAuth providers  
OCAPI Settings Global Open Commerce API settings  

Select System Preferences or Custom Preferences. Select Preferences to include both.

System and custom preferences, including:
  • Currency and exchange rate settings
  • Locale, region, and time zone settings
  • Locale and page meta tag settings
  • Order, invoice, shipment, and customer number sequencing rules
  • Organization Preferences system object with custom attributes and values
  • Primary Instance Group time zone
  • Supported countries and language codes
  • User security policy
If either all Preferences or all Custom Preferences are replicated, the system object type extension OrganizationPreferences is also replicated.
Note: Configure the global security preference Enforce HTTPS separately for each instance. The Preferences replication task doesn’t replicate this setting.
Price Books Product price books. System object type extension PriceBook is also replicated.  

Select one or more sites to replicate. Selecting Sites includes all sites.

Site definitions (including currency, taxation, and storefront server configuration settings), content library and assets, and site preferences (including catalog assignments, price books, inventory, and customer lists). The following system object type extensions are also replicated:
  • Content
  • Folder
  • Library
  • SitePreferences

Custom site preferences are included, even if the Preferences task isn’t selected.

When you create a site or modify its site data, run a global replication that includes its site task before running a site replication on it.

The replicated folder is https://[hostname]/on/demandware.servlet/webdav/[organization]/Libraries/[library name] .

Static content Global static content (non-catalog and non-library static resources), including images loaded into site content slots and assigned to system and custom objects  
WebDAV Client Permissions Global WebDAV client permissions  

Site-Specific Data Replication Tasks

Task Data Notes
A/B Tests Replicates all the site's A/B tests.  
A/B Tests and Experiences Replicates all the site's A/B tests, promotions, slot configurations, and sorting rules. The following system object type extensions are also replicated:
  • Promotion
  • SlotConfiguration

This task is a superset of the A/B Tests task.

Active Data Feeds All active data feed definitions

Active data, such as metrics, isn’t replicated. You can import active data from your production instance into a staging or development instance. Replicate active data feeds before importing active data to ensure that the data matches.

Cache Settings Cache settings, including page cache settings, TTL of static content, and page cache partitions

Selecting this task overrides the Page Cache setting of the replication process. Replicating cache settings always invalidates the cache.

Campaigns Campaigns and promotions, including promotion images. The following system object type extensions are also replicated:
  • Campaign
  • Promotion

When you select this task, also replicate the source code groups, customer groups, and coupons used by your campaigns and promotions.

Replicate Custom Object Types first if you have customized Campaign or Promotion objects.

Content Library Library content, including content assets, folders, folder ranking, and library static content (title, description, URL, HTML content, and templates). The following system object type extensions are also replicated:
  • Content
  • Folder
  • Library

Only content in the site's private content library is included. This setting doesn’t include content in shared libraries.

Content feeds aren’t replicated. Configure them directly on the target instance.

The replicated folder is https://[hostname]/on/demandware.servlet/webdav/[organization]/Libraries/[library name] .

Content Slots Slots and slot configurations, including definitions of slot schedules, callouts, and assets. The system type extension SlotConfiguration is also replicated.

The actual content in the slots is often in a shared library, which is replicated as global data.

When you run this task, also replicate the categories referenced by your slots.

Coupons Coupon IDs, definitions, and codes. The system object type extension Coupon is also replicated.

Coupon redemptions and coupon export status aren’t replicated.

Custom Objects Site-scope custom objects that are of types defined as Replicable. To make sure you have the latest version, this task also replicates custom object types that were already replicated.

Replicate a custom object type before replicating custom objects of that type.

Custom objects of types defined as Not Replicable aren’t included.

Customer Groups Customer group definitions and roles. The system object type extension CustomerGroup is also replicated.

Calculated group memberships aren’t replicated. When you replicate dynamic customer groups, they don’t have members on the target instance until the background process that populates them runs.

Individual customer records aren’t included.

Dynamic Content All dynamic content managed by external systems  
OCAPI Settings Open Commerce API settings for this site  
Payment Payment processors, payment methods, payment cards, payment-specific system preferences, and all custom preferences. The following system object type extensions are also replicated:
  • PaymentCard
  • PaymentMethod
  • SitePreferences

Replicate any changed global and site preferences before replicating this data.


Select System Preferences or Custom Preferences. Selecting Preferences includes both system and custom preferences.

Site-specific system and custom preferences, including:
  • Active system locales
  • Basket persistence and behavior
  • Catalog assignments
  • User-defined custom preferences
  • Customer list assignments
  • Gift certificate email notifications
  • Inventory assignments
  • Order, invoice, shipment, and customer number sequencing rules
  • Order export delay
  • Pricebook assignments
  • Product lock times
  • Search and spell-check behavior
  • Site Preferences system object with custom attributes and values
  • SEO support (deprecated -- use Site URLs instead)
  • Storefront time zone and location
If either all Preferences or all Custom Preferences are replicated, the system object type extension SitePreferences is also replicated.

Guided search settings must be individually defined for each system in the Primary Instance Group.

Search Indexes Search indexes and dictionaries, including:
  • Products
  • Spelling
  • Content
  • Redirects
  • Synonyms
  • Suggestions
  • Rankings
  • Stopwords
  • Hypernyms
  • Sorting configuration

Availability and active data indexes aren’t included because they depend on inventory data that is only available on the production instance.

The search index update schedule isn’t included. Configure it directly on the target instance.

Use the Preferences task to replicate search preferences.

You can replicate the templates, pipelines, and other code underlying your search feature. However, you can't change Salesforce B2C Commerce's underlying search and navigation processes.

If a search index is rebuilt during replication, the replication can fail. When replicating search indexes, disable incremental search indexing and all scheduled index builds, and ensure that running rebuilds have completed.

Shipping Methods All data regarding shipment and shipping methods. The system object type extension ShippingMethod is also replicated.  

Select Catalog URLs, Content URLs, Pipeline URLs, or Mapping and Redirect Rules. Selecting SEO includes all URLs and rules.

SEO and static mappings
  • Catalog URLs--Generated category URLs, catalog-specific URL rules and product/category settings, locale settings, and general settings (lowercase and special character substitution)
  • Content URLs--Generated folder URLs, library-specific URL rules and product/category settings, locale settings, and general settings (lowercase and special character substitution)
  • Pipeline URLs--Pipeline aliases, locale settings, and general settings (lowercase and special character substitution)
  • Mapping and Redirect Rules--Static mappings, dynamic mappings, and URL redirects

Site aliases aren’t included.

Sorting All sorting rules and storefront sorting options  
Source Codes All defined source codes and source code groups. The system object type extension SourceCodeGroup is also replicated.

Source code redemptions aren’t replicated.

Stores All defined stores and store groups, including addresses and store hours. The following system object type extensions are also replicated:
  • Store
  • StoreGroup
Taxation Tax classes, jurisdictions, rates, and tax-specific system preferences

Tax calculation relies on the jurisdiction settings, which are part of the system preferences. They’re included in Taxation replication.

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