SiteGenesis Recommendations

Product recommendations are implemented in the SiteGenesis application as follows:

Element Description
API None for this feature.
Pipelines None for this feature.
Resource files The header values (for example, "You Might Also Like") are defined within the resource file.
Scripts None for this feature.
Templates The /templates/default/slots/recommendation/product_1x4_recomm.isml template shows recommendations.

Explicit recommendations are implemented in the SiteGenesis application as follows:

Element Description



  • Properties: allRecommendations : Collection (Read Only); orderableRecommendations : Collection (Read Only) ; recommendations : Collection (Read Only)
  • Methods: getAllRecommendations() : Collection; getAllRecommendations(type : Number ) : Collection; getOrderableRecommendations() : Collection; getOrderableRecommendations(type : Number ) : Collection; getRecommendations() : Collection; getRecommendations(type : Number ) : Collection
Pipelines None for this feature.
Resource files The header values (for example, "You Might Also Like") are defined within the resource file.
Scripts None for this feature.
Templates The product/component/recommendations.isml template shows recommendations and is included by the product/components/productdetail.isml template.