Promotions Dashboard

Use the Promotions Dashboard to evaluate promotion performance or individual promotion results.

The Promotions Dashboard shows you reports on the Most Used Promotions, Total Promotion Discount, Promotion Combination, the Average Order Discount, Used by Promotion Class and Revenue Impact by Promotion Discount.

Most Used Promotions

Promotions are ranked based on the number of times that they are used during the selected date range. The report ranks the most-used promotions by highest uses. Included in each listing is the promotion class, number of uses, and the value of discounts given through the promotion. For reference, an Order promotion applies to a customer order. A Product promotion applies to individual products. A Shipping discount applies to order shipment. Use the report to evaluate the success of a promotion. For example, use the report to see if a promotion you launched at the beginning of the reporting period is listed among the most used.

You can also review your top 3 ranked promotions by device, customer registration (registered or unregistered), customer type (new or returning), channel, or site. To change the ranking view, use the dropdown.

Most Used Coupons

This report lists the coupons that are most used during the selected date range. Each listing includes the associated promotion ID and the number of uses.

Total Promotion Discount

The Total Promotion Discount graph plots the total value of all promotion discounts over the selected time period. It also plots the discount value for each promotion class. Click elements of the graph legend to show and hide the individual elements. Use the graph to track how promotion discount values change during a promotion.

Promotion Combination

The Promotion Combination report ranks how often two promotions are used together in a single order. The ranking is based on the percentage of the total number of orders. You can use the report to evaluate how promotions are used in combination. For example, promotion 1 and promotion 2 are used together for 10% of all orders. Promotion 1 and promotion 3 are used together for 5% or all orders. In addition, promotion 1 is the top ranked Most Used Promotion.

Average Order Discount

The report shows the average promotion discount value per order. The graph shows the value for each day of the selected time period.

Uses by Promotion Class

The report shows the percentage of promotions used by promotion class, product, order, or shipping. Use this report to analyze your promotions relative to class type.

Revenue Impact by Promotion Discount

The report shows total revenue and total discount value for each promotion. Points on the graph represent promotions used during the dashboard time period. Use this graph to evaluate the discount given to generate the associated revenue.

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