Generate Search Indexes

In Business Manager you can create stop words and synonyms, modify guided search ranking, view statistics, view index documents along with their indexed fields, and rebuild indexes. You can also manage the capabilities of full text search indexes.

The search index uses one index for each index type: Product, Spelling, Content, Synonym, and Suggest. This index contains all localized and non-localized data for all storefront locales.

Dependencies between indexes require that some indexes are built together.

Note: You can run test queries on the product index.
  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Search > Search Indexes.
  2. On the Search Indexes page, click the Language Options link to configure language specific stemming, and term completion and correction settings.
    If search is not required for the locale, you can exclude locales from the indexing process.
  3. On the Search Indexes page, if no full-text index has been built yet or you want to update an index, select one or more indexes using the checkboxes and click Rebuild.
    All index updates are performed asynchronously in the background for all locales. Old indexes remain operational until new indexes are ready.
    Progress information for the rebuild appears in the Status field.
  4. On the Search Indexes page, click the index type you want to manage, for example, click the Product Index.
    The Search Indexes details page that opens enables you to manage full-text search indexes that are used in your site to fulfill search requests. This table shows the tabs that appear for each index type:

    Index Type



    General, Sorting Attributes, Statistics, Documents


    General, Statistics, Documents


    General, Sorting Attributes, Statistics, Documents


    General, Statistics, Documents


    General, Statistics, Documents

    Active Data

    General, Statistics, Documents


    General, Statistics, Documents

  5. On the Search Indexes details page (Product Index page, for example), on the General tab, you can set the indexing mode for your storefront.

    Updates: EnableScheduled Index Rebuild and/or Incremental Index Updates

    Indexing Mode: Select Compact - Production or Verbose - Development

  6. Click the Sorting Attributes tab (on the Product Index page) to add sorting attributes that are called directly from a pipeline.
    Only required for sorting attributes that are not used by the sorting rules feature.
  7. To view information about all terms that are indexed, click the Statistics tab. On this page you see:
    • Index summary: Number of indexed elements and the specific indexed fields.
    • Term frequency: By term and locale (for example, de_DE, default, en_US, and en_CA).
    • Dictionaries: By locale, where you can click Analyze Terms and then analyze terms by locale.
  8. To see indexing information for a specific product, click the Documents tab.
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