
Name Description
ExportCatalog Exports selective information in the specified Catalog.
ExportContent Exports the specified Folders in the specified content Library.
ExportCouponCodes Exports the codes of a specified Coupon.
ExportCoupons Exports xml representations of coupons.
ExportCustomerGroups Exports the customer groups.
ExportCustomerList Exports selective information in the specified customer list.
ExportCustomers Exports the customer Profiles contained in Customers.Note: this pipelet allows access to sensitive personal data and security-related information.
ExportCustomObjects Exports the specified CustomObjects.
ExportGiftCertificates Exports Gift Certificates.
ExportInventoryLists Exports the specified InventoryLists.
ExportMetaData Exports the system metadata according to the input parameters.
ExportOrders Exports the specified orders, with optional encryption of payment information (credit card or bank account).
ExportPriceBooks Exports the specified PriceBooks.
ExportProductLists Exports the product lists contained in ProductLists
ExportPromotions Exports promotions.
ExportShippingMethods Exports the specified ShippingMethods.
ExportSlots Exports content slots.
ExportSourceCodes Exports the specified SourcCodeGroups.
ExportStores Exports the specified Stores.
ExportTaxTable Exports all tax classes, tax jurisdictions and tax rates of the current site.
ImportABTests Imports AB tests from the given ImportFile in the specified mode.
ImportActiveData Imports Active Data from the given ImportFile.
ImportCatalog Imports the catalog data specified by ImportFile into the system in the specified mode.The result of the import operation is represented by the Status output property.
ImportContent Imports the data specified by ImportFile into the specified Library in the specified mode.
ImportCoupons Imports Coupons from the given ImportFile in the specified mode.
ImportCustomerGroups Imports the customer groups in the specified mode.
ImportCustomerList Imports the customer list contained in ImportFile in the specified mode.
ImportCustomers Imports the customers contained in ImportFile in the specified mode.
ImportCustomObjects Imports the custom object data contained in ImportFile in the specified mode.
ImportGiftCertificates Import the Gift Certificates contained in ImportFile in the specified mode.
ImportInventoryLists Imports Inventory Lists from the given ImportFile in the specified mode.
ImportPriceBooks Imports the price data contained in ImportFile in the specified mode.
ImportProductLists Imports the product lists contained in ImportFile in the specified mode.
ImportPromotions Imports Campaigns and Promotions from the given ImportFile in the specified mode.
ImportShippingMethods Imports Shipping Methods from the given ImportFile in the specified mode.
ImportSlots Imports content slot configurations from the given ImportFile in the specified mode.
ImportSourceCodes Imports Source-Code Groups from the given ImportFile in the specified mode.
ImportStores Imports Stores from the given ImportFile in the specified mode.
ImportTaxTable Imports Tax Classes, Tax Jurisdictions and Tax Rates from the given ImportFile in the specified mode.
ValidateActiveDataFile Validates the given active data CSV file and returns a status reporting the results of the validation.
ValidateXMLFile Validates the given xml file against the given xsd schema definition and returns a status reporting the results of the validation.