Locale Fallback

Salesforce B2C Commerce provides you with a locale fallback mechanism to meet your site's multi-locale requirements. By default, the country locale (for example, en_US) inherits data from the respective language locale (en), and the language locale (en) inherits from the locale default. You can configure locale inheritance.

You can configure a locale to skip a locale in its fallback chain, or to not have any fallback. For example, en_US falls back to en and then to default. You can configure en_US to fallback directly to default or you can configure en_US to not have any fallback.

Note: The application server uses the locale fallback that you configure only when looking up localizable attributes or properties of objects of subclasses of PersistentObject, such as Product. The application server does not consider the fallback locale when locating ISML templates, web forms, resource files in cartridges, or static content such as images.

If a locale is configured as the fallback for another locale, you can't delete it: an error message appears.

For example:

  • You configure en_US > en > default.
  • You can't delete en because it's the fallback for en_US.
  • Similarly, if you attempt to import en in delete mode, an error message appears in the import log.

Disabling Locale Fallback

You can disable the fallback behavior for each locale.

For example:

  • A product description is in the en locale
  • For the en locale, the fallback is disabled and there is no description for that product
  • Nothing is returned
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