Class Iterator
An Iterator is a special object that lets you access items from a collection one at a time, while keeping track of its current position within that sequence.
Constructor Summary
Iterator(object : Object)
Creates an Iterator instance for the specified object.
Iterator(object : Object, keysOnly : boolean)
Creates an Iterator instance for the specified object's keys.
Method Summary
next() : Object
Returns the next item in the iterator.
Constructor Detail
public Iterator(object : Object)
Creates an Iterator instance for the specified object. The Iterator for the object is created by calling the object's __iterator__ method. If there is no __iterator__ method, a default iterator is created. The default iterator provides access to the object's properties, according to the usual and for model. If you want to provide a custom iterator, you should override the __iterator__ method to return an instance of your custom iterator.
object - the object whose values will be accessible via the Iterator.

public Iterator(object : Object, keysOnly : boolean)
Creates an Iterator instance for the specified object's keys. The Iterator for the object is created by calling the object's __iterator__ method. If there is no __iterator__ method, a default iterator is created. The default iterator provides access to the object's properties, according to the usual and for model. If you want to provide a custom iterator, you should override the __iterator__ method to return an instance of your custom iterator.
object - the object whose keys or values will be accessible via the Iterator.
keysOnly - if true, provides access to the object's keys. If false, provides access to the object's values.

Method Detail
next() : Object
Returns the next item in the iterator. If there are no items left, the StopIteration exception is thrown. You should generally use this method in the context of a try...catch block to handle the StopIteration case. There is no guaranteed ordering of the data.
the next item in the iterator.
See Also: