Saving Form Data

The route:BeforeComplete event is used to store form data. Different APIs are used to save data, depending on the type of form.

Example: saving password data

This example constructs an object that contains the relevant information from the form and saves it to the ViewData object, so it can be passed. This example can be seen in the Account.js SavePassword function.

var profileForm = server.forms.getForm('profile');       //gets the profile form object
var newPasswords = profileForm.login.newpasswords;       
var result = {                                           //constructs an object containing the form result
    currentPassword: profileForm.login.currentpassword.value,
    newPassword: newPasswords.newpassword.value,
    newPasswordConfirm: newPasswords.newpasswordconfirm.value,
    profileForm: profileForm

if (profileForm.valid) {
    res.setViewData(result);                         // adds form result to the ViewData object
    this.on('route:BeforeComplete', function () { // creates the function to run before middleware completion
        var formInfo = res.getViewData();            // creates object with data to save
        var customer = CustomerMgr.getCustomerByCustomerNumber( //gets current customer
        var status;
        Transaction.wrap(function () {                //saves the new customer password and returns status
            status = customer.profile.credentials.setPassword(
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