1 Forms Tutorial: Extend Profile System Object

You are extending the Profile system object with custom attributes.
  1. Select Administration > Site Development > System Object Types.
  2. Click the Profile object.
  3. Click the Attribute Definitions tab.
  4. For each of new attributes, click New, enter the data as shown in this table, and then click Apply. Click the Back button and specify the next attribute.
    Option Description
    Select Language Default (all)
    ID InterestOuterwear, InterestFootwear, newsletter
    Display name Interested in outerwear, Interested in Footwear, Newsletter
    Help text Are you interested in outerwear?, Are you interested in footwear?, Would you like to receive our newsletter?
    Value type Boolean (all)
    Queryable (automatically set) yes (all)
  5. The new attributes appear on the Attribute Definitions tab.
    Attribute names are case sensitive. For the best results, ensure that you specify the previous ID names as described here or refer to the names that you do use exactly as you specify them later in this tutorial. A common mistake users make is to refer to a different spelling of these names.