RoleSearchRequest document (Data API 23.2)

Document representing an role search. Note that only either an user ID or a permission can be provided (or none), but not both. When one of them is provided, the further query elements will filter the respective role set (meaning the user ID / permission is AND-connected to the query definition). When a permission definition is using a site scope, it can contain only one site. When optional fields in the permission definitions are not provided, they will be treated as 'don't care' (so its e.g. possible so search for permission to site-specific BM modules without providing a site, and the search will return all roles having that permission for any site).

Property Type Constraints Description
count Integer maxIntegerValue=200, minIntegerValue=1 The number of returned documents
db_start_record_ Integer minIntegerValue=0 The zero-based index of the record that we want to start with, used to optimize special handling
expand [String]   List of expansions to be applied to each search results. Expands are optional
permissions RolePermissions   The permission to search for. Note that even though this is a container that can hold multiple permissions definitions, for a search request only one permission can be provided (otherwise an error will be returned).
query Query {BoolQuery, FilteredQuery, MatchAllQuery, NestedQuery, TermQuery, TextQuery} mandatory=true, nullable=false The query to apply
select String   The field to be selected.
sorts [Sort]   The list of sort clauses configured for the search request. Sort clauses are optional.
start Integer minIntegerValue=0 The zero-based index of the first search hit to include in the result.
user_id String   The id of the user whose roles are to be searched.
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