Promotion APIs for A/B Testing

You can use the Salesforce B2C Commerce APIs for when a promotion is assigned to an A/B test and not to a campaign. These classes return a placeholder campaign, representing A/B tests, for API methods that return or process a campaign instance, when an A/B test (not a campaign) is in effect.

  • dw.campaign.Campaign
  • dw.campaign.CampaignMgr
  • dw.campaign.Promotion
  • dw.campaign.PromotionMgr
    Note: Returned PromotionPlans don't contain multiple Promotion objects with the same ID.
  • dw.campaign.PriceAdjustment
    Note: A/B tests are just another case of a promotion without an associated campaign.

The method Promotion.getCampaign.getCustom isn’t accessible when a promotion is assigned to an A/B test and not a campaign. The method returns an empty map because this object isn't derived from an extensible object. The method promotions.campaign is a dummy object, which is an instance of dw/object/ When the method promotions.campaign.custom is called, the getCustom method on dw/object/ is called and returns the β€œExtensibleObjectAttributes idβ€œ value. When a promotion or price adjustment is the result of an A/B test, the method Promotion.getCampaign.getID() always returns AB Testing.

When a promotion or price adjustment is the result of an A/B test, these methods return the following:

With this method... Returns...
Promotion.getCampaign placeholder campaign
Promotion.getCoupons empty collection
Promotion.getCustomerGroups empty collection
Promotion.getSourceCodeGroups empty collection
Promotion.isBasedOnCoupon false
Promotion.isBasedOnCoupons false
Promotion.isBasedOnCustomerGroups false
Promotion.isBasedOnSourceCodes false
PriceAdjustment.getCampaign placeholder campaign
PriceAdjustment.getCampaignID ID of placeholder campaign
PriceAdjustment.getCouponLineItem null
PriceAdjustment.isBasedOnCampaign true
PriceAdjustment.isBasedOnCoupon false

Related Links

APIs for Promotions

A/B Testing

The B2C Commerce API documentation

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