Log Field Information

The JSON request format provides category, field, and descriptions for the log output.

Category Field Description
general CacheStatus Array of strings that define whether a resource is cached. Possible sources: hit | miss | dynamic
client ClientCountry Country of the client IP address
client ClientDeviceType Client device type
client ClientIP IP addresses of the client
client ClientIPClass IP that is blocked for bad reputation status
clientRequest ClientRequestHost Host requested by the client
clientRequest ClientRequestMethod HTTP method of client request
clientRequest ClientRequestURI URI requested by the client
clientRequest ClientRequestUserAgent User agent reported by the client
edge EdgeResponseStatus HTTP status code returned by eCDN to the client
edge EdgeStartTimestamp UNIX nanosecond timestamp, the edge received request from the client
edgeWAF FirewallMatchesActions Array of actions (strings) that the eCDN firewall performed on a request: allow | log | simulate | drop | challenge | jschallenge | connection close
edgeWAF FirewallMatchesSources Array of firewall source types (strings) that have performed actions on a request: asn | country | ip | ipRange | securityLevel | zoneLockdown | waf | firewallRules | uaBlock | rateLimit | bic | hot | l7ddos

The same product appearing multiple times indicates different rules or actions activated.

edgeWAF FirewallMatchesRuleIDs Array of RuleIDs (strings) that matched the request
general RayID Unique request identifier, 64-bit binary ID
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