SiteGenesis Search Pipelines

The SiteGenesis Search pipeline, located in the Storefront Core cartridge, contains the following subpipelines that set the processing behavior:

  • Search-Show: renders a full featured product search result page. If the http parameter format is set to ajax when the Search pipeline is called, only the product grid is rendered instead of the full page. Search-Show?cgid=1234 is used for categories
  • Search-ShowContent: renders a full featured content search result page. Search-ShowContent?fdid=1234 is used for folders.
  • Search-GetSuggestions: determines search suggestions based on a given input and renders the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) response for the list of suggestions.
  • Search-ShowProductGrid: renders the partial content of the product grid of a search result as rich html.
  • GetProductResult: executes a product search and puts the ProductSearchResult into the pipeline dictionary for convenient reuse. This is also used in the Product pipeline for product navigation via the Next and Previous buttons.
  • SearchGetContentResult: executes a content search and puts the ContentSearchResult into the pipeline dictionary.

The following pipelines are also affected by Salesforce B2C Commerce search functionality:

  • Link-Category: creates the links for a specific category and jumps to the Search-Show pipeline.
  • Home-Show: all of the search pipelines link to this subpipeline if there is no search query in the search box.
  • Page-Show: uses search URLs for content pages and jumps to the Search-GetContentResult pipeline.
  • Product-Show: uses search URLs for products.
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