Product document (Shop API 23.2)

(supports custom properties)

Document representing a product.

Property Type Constraints Description
brand String   The product's brand.
bundled_products [BundledProduct]   The array of all bundled products of this product.
currency String   The ISO 4217 mnemonic code of the currency.
ean String   The European Article Number.
id String mandatory=true, maxLength=100, minLength=1, nullable=false The id (SKU) of the product.
image_groups [ImageGroup]   The array of product image groups.
inventories [Inventory]   The array of product inventories explicitly requested via 'inventory_ids' query parameter. This property is only returned in context of the 'availability' expansion.
inventory Inventory   The site default inventory information. This property is only returned in context of the 'availability' expansion.
long_description Localized<String>   The localized product long description.
manufacturer_name String   The products manufacturer name.
manufacturer_sku String   The products manufacturer sku.
master Master   The master product information. Only for types master, variation group and variant.
min_order_quantity Decimal   The minimum order quantity for this product.
name Localized<String>   The localized product name.
options [Option]   The array of product options. This array can be empty. Only for type option.
page_description Localized<String>   The localized products page description.
page_keywords Localized<String>   The localized products page description.
page_title Localized<String>   The localized products page title.
price Decimal   The sales price of the product. In case of complex products like master or set this is the minimum price of related child products.
price_max Decimal   The maximum sales of related child products in case of complex products like master or set.
price_per_unit Decimal   The sales price per unit of the product. In case of complex products like master or set this is the minimum price per unit of related child products.
price_per_unit_max Decimal   The maximum sales price per unit of related child products in case of complex products like master or set.
prices Map[String, Decimal]   The prices map with price book ids and their values.
primary_category_id String   The id of the products primary category.
product_links [ProductLink]   The array of source and target products links information.
product_promotions [ProductPromotion]   The array of active customer product promotions for this product. This array can be empty. Coupon promotions are not returned in this array.
recommendations [Recommendation]   Returns a list of recommendations.
set_products [Product]   The array of set products of this product.
short_description Localized<String>   The localized product short description.
step_quantity Decimal   The steps in which the order amount of the product can be increased.
type ProductType   The product type information. Can be one or multiple of the following values: item,master,variation_group,variant,bundle,set.
unit String   The sales unit of the product.
unit_measure String   The unitMeasure of the product.
unit_quantity Decimal    
upc String   The Universal Product Code.
valid_from SiteSpecific<DateTime>   The time when product is valid from.
valid_to SiteSpecific<DateTime>   The time when product is valid to.
variants [Variant]   The array of actual variants. This array can be empty. Only for types master, variation group and variant.
variation_attributes [VariationAttribute]   Sorted array of variation attributes information. This array can be empty. Only for types master, variation group and variant.
variation_groups [VariationGroup]   The array of actual variation groups. This array can be empty. Only for types master, variation group and variant.
variation_values Map[String, String]   The actual variation attribute id - value pairs. Only for type variant and variation group.
X OCAPI versions 15.x and 16.x will be retired on March 31, 2021. For dates and more information, see the OCAPI versioning and deprecation policy and this Knowledge Article.