Manually Migrate Active Data

When your old source site and new target site are in the same realm, you can manually migrate your active data.

Note: If your old source site and new target site are not in the same realm, contact customer support ten days before the new site is set to go live, and request that engineering process the migration on the day that the new site goes live.
Note: Only use these steps when your old source site and new target site are both in the same existing realm. Strictly follow the steps. Any error can result in potential data loss and malfunction of Active Data. If you have questions or are unsure of the process, contact customer support to confirm that these steps can be used to migrate your active data.
  1. Make sure that the following criteria are in place before migrating your active data.
    1. Set the new site to online at least 2 hours before the end of the business day.
    2. Wait at least 90 minutes after changing the old site from online to maintenance.
  2. To upload your active data from the old site, complete the following steps on the same business day.
    1. On the old site, select Administration > Operations > Jobs.
    2. Create a job with the step β€œUploadActiveDataToStorage”.
    3. Set the scope to the old site and run the job immediately.
      Upon completion, the job log shows the storage folder name.
  3. To download your active data to the new site, complete the following steps on the same business day.
    1. On the new site, select Administration > Operations > Jobs.
    2. Create a job with the step β€œDownloadActiveDataToStorage”.
    3. Set the scope to the new site.
    4. Use the storage folder name generated in step 2c as the parameter for this step and run the job immediately.
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