Configuring Automatic Updates for Studio

You can configure Studio to automatically update to a new version if one becomes available.

Note: Studio automatically checks for updates to the Salesforce B2C Commerce API for your server and downloads them. No configuration is necessary for the automatic download to occur. If you are not downloading updates, there might be some problem with your connection to your B2C Commerce server.
  1. On Windows, select Window > Preferences.
  2. On a Mac, select Eclipse > Preferences.
  3. Expand Install/Update.
  4. Select Automatic Updates.
  5. Select the Automatically find new updates and notify me box.
  6. Configure the Update schedule, Download options, and When updates are found options.
  7. To see the changes in Studio you must close the perspective and reopen it.
    1. Right-click the blue cloud icon in the upper right corner of Eclipse:

    2. From the popup menu, select Close.
    3. From the main menu, select Window > Perspective > Open Perspective > Other.
    4. In the popup window, select B2C Commerce Development.
      Note: You must close the perspective as described in order to see the changes. Opening and closing Eclipse, switching workspaces, or switching perspectives will not work. Unless you close the perspective as described, you don't see changes from the update in the interface. This might include new types of files to create or new options for your server connection.