Add isactivedatahead Tags

To collect active data, place the <isactivedatahead> tag in every ISML template that contains an HTML <head> tag that you want to collect the data from. ISML templates without an HTML <head> tag don't use the <isactivedatahead tag>. Place the tag immediately before the closing head tag </head>.

The <isactivedatahead> tag must appear:

  • Before any other analytic data collection ISML tags
  • After all references to external JavaScript libraries
  • In a location where <script> tags are valid

If this tag appears after any other analytic data collection ISML tags, those tags could fail to collect data. If this tag appears before any references to external JavaScript libraries, those external JavaScript libraries could become incompatible. This tag must appear where <script> tags are valid. For example, it can't be placed between two <tr> tags for rows of a table or similar structures in a page.

If the tag isn't placed in a page or isn't placed in a page correctly, the storefront customer could experience JavaScript errors. Customers could be notified of the error or the page rendering could be negatively affected.

Best Practice: Generally, always place the <isactivedatahead> tag in the <head> tags. However, if the template is used solely for a page or page set that could never have data of analytic interest, don’t add the tag.

This feature is implemented in SiteGenesis as follows:

The htmlhead.ism file references htmlhead_UI.isml via an include (<isinclude template="components/header/htmlhead_UI"/>).

The htmlhead_UI.html file contains this line: <isactivedatahead>.