Class SumItem
Container used to represent an subtotal or grandtotal item which contains various prices and a tax breakdown held in a collection of tax-items.

Usage example:
var invoice : Invoice = ...;
var productNet = invoice.productSubTotal.netPrice;
var serviceNet = invoice.serviceSubTotal.netPrice;
var grandNet = invoice.grandTotal.netPrice;
var grandTax = invoice.grandTotal.tax;
var grandGross = invoice.grandTotal.grossPrice;

# tax breakdown
for each(taxItem : TaxItem in invoice.grandTotal.taxItems) {
var tax : Money = taxItem.amount;
var taxGroup : TaxGroup = taxItem.taxGroup;
var rate : Double = taxGroup.rate;
var caption :String = taxGroup.caption;
var taxType :String = taxGroup.taxType;

grossPrice  :  Money  (Read Only)
Gross price of SumItem.
netPrice  :  Money  (Read Only)
Net price of SumItem.
tax  :  Money  (Read Only)
Total tax for SumItem.
taxBasis  :  Money  (Read Only)
Price of entire SumItem on which tax calculation is based. Same as getNetPrice() or getGrossPrice() depending on whether the order is based on net or gross prices.
taxItems  :  Collection  (Read Only)
Tax items representing a tax breakdown for the SumItem.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
getGrossPrice() : Money
Gross price of SumItem.
getNetPrice() : Money
Net price of SumItem.
getTax() : Money
Total tax for SumItem.
getTaxBasis() : Money
Price of entire SumItem on which tax calculation is based.
getTaxItems() : Collection
Tax items representing a tax breakdown for the SumItem.
Method Detail
getGrossPrice() : Money
Gross price of SumItem.
Gross price of SumItem.

getNetPrice() : Money
Net price of SumItem.
Net price of SumItem.

getTax() : Money
Total tax for SumItem.
Total tax for SumItem.

getTaxBasis() : Money
Price of entire SumItem on which tax calculation is based. Same as getNetPrice() or getGrossPrice() depending on whether the order is based on net or gross prices.
Price of entire item on which tax calculation is based

getTaxItems() : Collection
Tax items representing a tax breakdown for the SumItem.
tax items representing a tax breakdown for the SumItem
See Also: