Active Data Collected

Salesforce B2C Commerce collects information about your site automatically. B2C Commerce also collects data, tracks events, and tracks amounts. As you collect data over time, you could need to deal with stale data - data that is too old to be of value.

Data Collected

Value Examples Context Description
Product Category


"Men's apparel"

"Video" "Men's shoes" "Action"

Any The category of a product. Can be based on context of the page in the site, or a product primary/classification category.
Source Code "SPRING" "PREFERRED" "" Any The source code in effect for a customer session. Can be blank if no source code in effect.
Customer "1234567" "" Any The customer number. Can be blank if unknown. Chosen because the identifier must not contain any personally recognizable information such as email address.
Product "ABC123" Any The SKU of a product shown, such as in a search result, added to cart, or ordered.

Recommended Product


"ABC123" Any

The SKU of a product recommended on a page. Multiple recommended products can appear on a page.

This data isn't collected now.

Events Tracked

Event Description
Order Counts how many times a customer placed an order.
Product Impression Counts how many times a product is shown in minimal detail on a page. Examples include search results, recommendations, and banners. The exact interpretation is up to the customer.
Product View Counts how many times a product is shown in great detail on a page. Examples include product detail and comparison pages. The exact interpretation is up to the customer.
Gift Order Counts how many times an order contains at least one unit of a product that is marked as a gift. Implement a gift feature to take advantage of this functionality. To implement gifts, you must set the ProductLineItem object gift attribute to true. For an example, see the SiteGenesis singleshipping.xml templates.

Amounts Tracked

Event Description
Units Counts some units of a product in an order.
Revenue Counts an amount of revenue for a product in an order.
Discount Value Without Coupon Counts a discount amount applied to an order for implicit, that is, not coupon-based promotions.
Discount Value With Coupon Counts a discount amount applied to an order for coupon promotions.
Gift Units Counts some product units marked as a gift in an order.


When a site supports multiple currencies, active data raw values are collected across all sessions, regardless of session currency. B2C Commerce then converts currency values into the site's default currency using the exchange rate applicable for that day. Active data metrics are also provided in the site's default currency. For example, the site's default currency is USD, but the site supports both USD and EUR currencies. When a customer places order and selects EUR as the currency, the order values are converted from EUR to USD using that day's exchange rate. Active data values retrieved are then in USD only.