Product Promotions

Define product promotions for specific products, groups of products or brands, or amounts of products purchased.

You can define conditions that require shoppers to purchase from a set of products.

You can't create product promotion rules for electronic gift certificates unless they're configured as a product with an SKU because they aren't considered merchandise. They don't apply to product sets, either, because product sets comprise separately orderable products.

For option products, the discount is applied to the base product plus the selected option price, regardless of the option selected. The discount is based on the product selected, and not on the option product selected. For example, a Television (standard product) has product options of headphones and wireless headphones. A shopper can't base the promotion on the shopper's choice of headphones. If a product has options, the free discount is only applied to the product, and not to its options.

You can specify product rules for qualifying and discounted products that contain product attribute conditions.

You can create product shipping discounts for free or fixed-price shipping.

A product promotion is prorated, calculated, and rounded once per product in the order. This proration is different than an order promotion, which is calculated once at the order level, and rounded off once, if necessary. See Prorating Promotions.

The product promotion class supports the following discount types:

Type Description Available discounts

Without qualifying products

A shopper isn’t required to purchase any qualifying products to qualify for the discount.

For example, buy a brand-A dress, get 10% off the price of the dress

With amount (value) of qualifying products*

A shopper must purchase a specific amount (value) of qualifying products to qualify for the discount.

For example, buy $100 worth of a particular brand.

With number (quantity) of qualifying products*

A shopper must purchase a specific number of qualifying products to qualify for the discount on those products.

For example, buy at least two pairs of jeans.

With Combination of Qualifying Products

A shopper must purchase a specific number of different qualifying products to qualify for the discount on those products.

For example, buy all items in an advertised outfit to receive the discount.

Buy X/Get Y*

A shopper must purchase a minimum number of qualifying products to qualify for the discount on a specified number of extra products.

For example, buy 2 pairs of jeans to get a third pair at 50% off.

The discount is applied each time the condition is met, limited by the maximum application limit and compatibility rules.

This discount is not available for product shipping promotions.

To further control this discount, create tiers for this discount, or select Promotion requires the exact number of discounted products to apply.

Buy X and Y/Get Z*

A shopper must purchase a combination of qualifying products to qualify for the discount on a specified number of extra products.

For example, buy a T-shirt and jeans to get a free belt.

The discount applies each time the condition is met, limited by the maximum application limit and compatibility rules. If you set a maximum application, the application limit applies to the number of combinations that can receive the discount. It doesn't limit how many individual products receive the discount.

This discount isn't available for order or shipping promotions.

Discount tiers are not available for this type of promotion.

Buy X for Total*

A shopper must purchase a minimum number of qualifying products for a total fixed price for those items.

For example, buy three discounted products for $30.

The discount is applied each time the condition is met, limited by the maximum application limit and compatibility rules.

This discount isn’t available for product shipping promotions

  • Buy N for total price of Y
Note: *Use these promotion types with the Restrictions setting. See Restricting Promotions to Identical Products.
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