Custom Attribute Editor Meta Definition File

The meta definition file for a custom attribute editor references the JavaScript and CSS resources that the custom attribute editor requires.

Put the meta definition file in this directory of the cartridge or any subdirectory under this directory:

  • <your_bm_ cartridge>/cartridge/experience/editors
Important: The cartridge that contains the custom attribute editor meta definition file, script file, and client-side code must be added to the cartridge path for the Business Manager site.

Use only alphanumeric or underscore characters for the file name. If you put the meta definition file in a subdirectory of /experience/editors, the subdirectory name must also use only alphanumeric or underscore characters.

To view the schema file that describes the JSON formatting for the meta definition file, see Page Designer JSON Schemas.

This example meta definition file describes a custom attribute editor that lets the user select a unicorn. You can use fully qualified URLs or relative URLs in the meta definition file. Page Designer resolves relative URLs to point to the/static/default directory of the cartridge. For example, this meta definition file uses relative URLs to reference the JavaScript file magical_editor.js and the CSS file magical.css, which are in the /static/default/experience/editors/com/sfcc directory of the cartridge.

  "name": "Magical Custom Editor",
  "description": "A new magical editor with flying unicorns!",
  "resources": {
    "scripts": [
    "styles": [