Create Product Bundles

You can create product bundles from multiple products.

  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Products and Catalogs > Products.
  2. On the Simple Product Search page, click New and the following parameters to create two new products.
    Option Description
      For product 1/ 2
    ID fabulous_toner / fabulous_cleanser
    Catalog Select apparel-catalog
    Tax Class Standard
    Online Yes
    Online From Use Default
    Online To Use Default
    Searchable Yes
    Name Fabulous Facial Toner / Fabulous Facial Cleanser
    Brand Fabulous Skin
    Manufacturer InstantLook
    Manufacturer Product ID F0000919 / F0000921
    Description Fabulous all-natural, sensitive skin toner 8 Oz / Fabulous all-natural, gentle cream cleanser 8 Oz
    Product Details Gentle enough for all skin types, this toner will leave your skin clean, refreshed and satiny smooth. / Gentle enough for all skin types, this gentle cleanser will soothe and remove all traces of makeup and impurities without stripping your skin of essential oils.
    Images Select images as required

    Each product is locked automatically.

  3. With the second product (fabulous_cleanser) still open, click the Bundles tab.
  4. To create a new bundle, on the Product page Bundles tab, click New.
  5. On the New Bundled Products page, search for the first product (fabulous_toner), select it and click OK.

    You have created a bundle that includes two products. The product bundle is now of type Product Bundle, while the product we added to the bundle is of type Bundled Product.

  6. To bundle existing products, select Products and Catalogs > Products, and create a new product with these parameters:
    Option Description
    ID fabulous_exfoliant
    Catalog Select apparel-catalog
    Tax Class Standard
    Online Yes
    Online From Use Default
    Online To Use Default
    Searchable Yes
    In Stock Yes
    Name Fabulous Exfoliant
    Brand Fabulous Skin
    Manufacturer InstantLook
    Manufacturer Product ID F0000923
    Description "Fabulous all-natural, exfoliant 8 Oz."
    Product Details "This natural exfoliant contains peach and sea algae extracts to revitalize your skin and replenish essential minerals, leaving your face clean and nourished."
    Images Select images as required
    1. Open Product 2 (fabulous_cleanser).
    2. Click the Bundles tab.
    3. Lock the product.
    4. To add the new product to the bundle click New.
    5. Add the new product you created. The new product appears in the bundle.
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