Class XMLStreamError
This error indicates an XML streaming related error in the system. The IOError is always related to a systems internal Java exception. The class provides access to some more details about this internal Java exception. In particular the class informs about the location of the error.
causeFullName  :  String
If the exception is associated with a root cause, the property contains the full name of the associated Java exception.
causeMessage  :  String
If the exception is associated with a root cause, the property contains the message of the associated Java exception.
causeName  :  String
If the exception is associated with a root cause, the property contains the simplified name of the associated Java exception.
javaFullName  :  String
The full name of the underlying Java exception.
javaMessage  :  String
The message of the underlying Java exception.
javaName  :  String
The simplified name of the underlying Java exception.
xmlColumnNumber  :  Number
The column number where the error occured.
xmlLineNumber  :  Number
The line where the error occured.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class Error
Constructor Detail
public XMLStreamError()