Create Product Options

Product options enable you to associate some products with other products so that customers can configure a customized product.

For example, for a Computer product, you can define warranties of different time lengths or no warranty for the consumer to choose from.

You can manage product options for specific products (local or single-product options). You can also manage product option definitions that are created once and shared among multiple products (shared or global product options).

When configuring product options in B2C Commerce:

  1. Create Product system object attributes to define the options.
  2. Create shared (global) product options.
  3. Assign global options to products.
  4. Create local options for products.
  1. Select Administration > Site Development > System Object Types.
    There must be a Product system object attribute definition for each product option, local or shared. For example, the Extended Warranty product option is specified as the tvWarranty Product system object attribute definition.
  2. Create shared product options that multiple products can use:
    1. Select Site > Merchant Tools > Products and Catalogs > Product Options.
    2. On theShared Product Options - Select Catalog page, click the ID or name of a catalog.
    3. On the Shared Product Options - Catalog page, click New to add a new shared option.
    4. On the New Option page, select or enter the general option settings.

      Click the ellipses (...) to select a Product system object attribute definition from the Select Object Type Attribute page. The Name field appears automatically based on the Product system object attribute definition that you select.

      Enter the custom name and description.

      Select the image and value sorting settings.

    5. Click Apply to save the new option.
    6. On the Product Option page, in the Product Option Values section, enter new option values: ID, SKU Extension, Value, and Option Price.
      For example, for the first option value, enter 00 for the ID, None for the value, and 0.00 for the option price. Select this option value as the default. For the second option value, enter 01 for the ID, 1 Year Warranty for the value, and 9.99 for the option price. For the third option value, enter 02 for the second ID, 2 Year Warranty for the value, and 16.99 for the option price.
    7. Click Apply to save the new option.
    8. On the Shared Product Options - Catalog page, to edit an existing option, click the ID or name of an option.
    9. On the Product Option page, edit the general settings and values, as described earlier.
    10. Click Apply and then << Back to List.
  3. To assign a shared option to a product:
    1. Select Site > Merchant Tools > Product and Catalogs > Products > Product > Options tab.
    2. On the Product page Options page, click the ellipses (...) beside the ID field (Add Shared Product Option).
    3. On the Select Product Option page, search for and select a shared product option.
      The window closes and the select shared product option appears in the ID field.
    4. Click Add.
      The shared product option appears in the product option grid.
  4. To create or edit local options for a specific product:
    1. Select Site > Product and Catalogs > Products > Product > Options tab.
      The product type changes to Option Product when an option is assigned to the product.
    2. On the Product page Options tab, click Lock and New.
    3. On the New Option page, specify product option values in the same way as for shared options.
    4. To save your changes, click Apply.
    5. To edit a local product option, click its ID or Name link on the Product page Options tab.
  5. To delete product options:
    1. On the Shared Product Options - Catalog page, select a shared product option and click Delete.
      You delete a product's association to a shared product option on the Product page Options page.

      When a shared product option is deleted, existing references to products are not deleted. Instead, these options appear as Missing in the product option list of the product and do not appear in the storefront. Creating a new shared product option with the same ID re-enables the option. You can delete the now obsolete reference on the Product page Options page,

      When a system attribute's type is changed, it isn't automatically changed in the product option. Instead it is marked as Invalid and doesn't appear in the storefront. Changing the type to match resolves the discrepancy. You can also delete the now obsolete reference to the deleted option.

    2. For a local product option, select the option on the Product page Options page, and click Delete.

      Deleting a local option results in deleting the product option reference and the product option itself.

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