Enable Search-Friendly URLs

For your sitemap to include search-friendly URLs, you must enable them before creating your sitemap. Salesforce recommends that you enable search friendly URLs for your Production instance but not your Staging instance, because it makes it difficult to add content asset links based on URLs you want to link to.

Note: Before enabling search-friendly URLs, you must assign an alias to your site, otherwise, URLs don't appear correctly in your storefront.
Note: The SEO Support module functionality is deprecated.
  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > SitePreferences > Storefront URL. De-select Enable Storefront URLs and click Apply.
    This enables the SEO Support module.
    Note: This functionality is deprecated.
  2. Select site > Merchant Tools > SEO > URL Rules. You can configure search support preferences.
  3. The Enable Search Friendly URLs box, if selected, sets the defaults so the URL contains either a merchant-defined page URL, if available, or the category or product name.
  4. Click Apply.

    When you enable search-friendly URLs, all URLs default to a specific format. You can add values to control what the default URL looks like.

    If you don't specify a value for default URLs, the system automatically provides a format for each type of URL that is documented in the following procedure.

  5. To view search-friendly URLs, In your storefront, if you hover over a category link, you can see the URL in the status bar. If you click the link, you can see the URL at the top of the browser.

    Example: Search-Friendly URLs

    The following URLs are taken from the SiteGenesis application. You can see these specific URLs by looking at the SiteGenesis storefront when search-friendly URLs are disabled and enabled.

    Standard Salesforce B2C Commerce URLs with search-friendly URLs disabled:

    • http://www.SiteGenesis.com/on/demandware.store/​Sites-YourShopHere-Site/default/​Search-Show?cgid=K
    • http://www.SiteGenesis.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-YourShopHere-Site​/default/Product-Show?pid=S1989916&cgid=K
    • http://www.SiteGenesis.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-YourShopHere-Site​/default/Page-Show?cid=SHIPPING_POLICY

    Standard B2C Commerce URLs with search-friendly URLs enabled:

    • http://www.SiteGenesis.com/Audio/K,default,sc.html
    • http://www.SiteGenesis.com/Bose%203-2-1%20GS%20Home%20Entertainment%20System
    • http://www.SiteGenesis.com/SHIPPING_POLICY/SHIPPING_POLICY,default,pg.html
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