Migrating Existing Applications to Use Active Merchandising

If your site was based on Salesforce B2C Commerce, Release 2.8x or earlier, your search and sorting rules were automatically migrated.

If you now want to take advantage of the active merchandising feature, you must make the following changes to your site:

  • Change calls to the Search pipeline to use the SortingRuleID parameter instead of the SortBy parameter if your storefront fits the following criteria. You created your storefront application using the Reference Application (before SiteGenesis). You want to configure storefront search options to use in your application. See the Product and Search pipelines in the latest SiteGenesis Storefront Core cartridge.
  • Also, change the template that sets your sorting options. For example, change your version of the productsortingoptions.isml templates to include code similar to what’s in this file in the latest SiteGenesis Storefront Core cartridge.