Troubleshooting Studio

We recommend several tasks to troubleshoot problems with UX Studio.

Update Problems

If you run an update for Studio, but don't see expected changes:

  1. From the popup menu, select Close.

  2. From the main menu, select Window > Perspective > Open Perspective > Other.

  3. In the popup window, select Salesforce B2C Commerce Development.

    Note: You must close the perspective as described in order to see the changes. Opening and closing Eclipse, switching workspaces, or switching perspectives will not work. Unless you close the perspective as described, you don't see changes from the update in the interface. This might include new types of files to create or new options for your server connection.

Editor Problems

If you experience problems in the editor, such as:

  • When pasting text in a file or deleting text (for example, the error "Paste did not complete normally. See the log for more information. Reason: Argument not valid" appears).
  • When entering data into a file, the cursor doesn't move but the characters appear.

Something might have happened on your local machine that causes these problems. Run the clean option In Studio.

DemandwareStudio.exe -clean

If that doesn't help, uninstall and then reinstall Studio.

Error: Pipelet Descriptions and Behavior Don't Match After an Upgrade

When you upgrade UX Studio to the latest version and download the new API, if it appears that a mixture of old pipelet descriptions and new pipelet behavior exist in Studio, run UX Studio with the -clean option to refresh Studio with the latest pipelets and API calls.

DemandwareStudio.exe -clean

Upload Problems

Auto-Upload automatically Disabled

When UX Studio receives a build request, it determines if the active server has the Auto-Upload option enabled. If so, then cartridge files are uploaded to the server.

Under certain error conditions, auto-upload is automatically disabled so that the error messages are not shown repeatedly. For example, if your server is unreachable, the upload file operation continually shows an 'unable to connect' error dialog.

Studio disables auto-upload under the following conditions:
  • studio encounters errors connecting to the server
  • your API is out-of-date and you choose not to download the new API, then we disable auto-upload. If you eventually download the new API, auto-upload is no longer disabled.
  • the upload staging directory doesn't exist.

If Studio detects that auto-upload is disabled when an upload is started, it shows a message that lets you enable auto-upload.

Full build after incomplete Build

When a file is changed, UX Studio receives a build event and attempts to push the file to the remote Salesforce B2C Commerce server. If Studio can't push the file because of server communication issues, Studio flags the build as being incomplete. The next time Studio receives a build event, it performs a full build to ensure that files that were not previously uploaded are pushed to the server.

See also Troubleshooting Your Server Connection.