Pipelet ExportContent
Exports the specified Folders in the specified content Library.
Error Connector
Input Parameters
Library  :  Library (Required)
The library to export.
ExportFile  :  String (Required)
Export file path. This path is relative to the 'src' subdirectory within the top-level IMPEX directory.
Folders  :  Iterator (Optional)
Folders (Folder) to export. Only the folders in the list are exported. If ExportSubFolders parameter is set to true, then all sub-folders of these folders are exported. If this parameter is empty or is not given, then the following rules apply: 1-all folders and sub-folders of the given library are exported. 2-The ExportSubFolders parameter is ignored.
ExportContent  :  Boolean (Optional)
Default=True. Parameter indicating whether contents of the exported folders are exported or not.
ExportFolders  :  Boolean (Optional)
Default=True. Parameter indicating whether to export folders or not. If set to False, then only content bound to export folders are exported.
ExportSubFolders  :  Boolean (Optional)
Default=True. Parameter indicating whether to export sub-folders of the exported folders.
OverwriteExportFile  :  Boolean (Optional)
Optional flag indicating whether to overwrite an existing export file or not. true=overwrite (default), false=don't overwrite. Default is true.
Output Parameters
ErrorCode  :  Integer  :  (Optional)
Export status code. Zero represents an export without process errors. Any other value indicates an error. This value will always be the same as the number after the "IMPEX-" prefix in Status.code.
ErrorMsg  :  String  :  (Optional)
Status message associated with the status code. This value will be the same as Status.message.
LogFileName  :  String  :  (Optional)
The name of the log file. This file is located in the 'log' subdirectory of the IMPEX area. This value will always be the same as the detail LogFileName in the returned Status object.
Status  :  Status  :  (Optional)
Status object representing the result of the export operation. The status property (Status.status) will be set to 0 if the export executed without any process errors or 1 otherwise. The code property (Status.code) will be set to one of the following values:

IMPEX-0 = Successful.
IMPEX-100 = One or more input parameters given were null.
IMPEX-102 = The given ExportFile exists and the OverwriteExportFile flag is false.
IMPEX-105 = The path of the given ImportFile is invalid, e.g. the path cannot contain "../".
IMPEX-152 = The 'Library' input parameter is missing.
IMPEX-156 = There is no data to export.
IMPEX-170 = Encountered an internal fatal error. Additional information is in the details of the Status object.
IMPEX-171 = System IO error.
IMPEX-173 = System input parameter is invalid.

The status object will always have the following detail:

LogFileName = (String) The log file name in which the import logged all debug, warning, and error messages.