Coupon Implementation Considerations

Consider the following as you implement coupons in your storefront application.

Requirements Phase

  • Identify when the merchant wants to use coupons.
  • Ask the merchant for samples of the coupons they have been using. For each promotion, define the coupons you want to offer.
  • For each coupon, define type, quantity, and restrictions.
  • Identify how to populate coupons (for example, import or manual):
    • During development
    • When the site is live
  • If the merchant plans to create coupons manually in the Business Manager, identify:
    • Who will be responsible for creating them.
    • If there will be a review process and who will review.
    • How they will be tested and by whom.
  • If the merchant plans to export order data, determine whether the order management system can receive coupon redemption data, and how it needs to be formatted.

Design Phase

  • Include coupon messaging in wireframe development.
  • Provide for coupon messaging in the shopping cart.

Build Phase

Build code to support your coupon requirements.

Development/Test Phase

To facilitate development and test:

  • Create users with permissions that are in line with merchant-defined business processes.
  • Create an initial set of test promotions and coupons. Be sure to include coupon types planned for use in the future, not just those that are going live initially.
  • Test the import and export processes, if applicable.
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