Render a Dynamic Page

Aspect attributes are passed to the page through the Page.renderPage() method that takes aspectAttributes.

The following code snippet passes aspect attributes to the page during rendering:

var aspectAttributes = new HashMap();
aspectAttributes.put("category", category);
res.print(PageMgr.renderPage(page.ID, aspectAttributes, ""));

The following code snippet checks to see if a page is assigned to the given category for a given aspect type and returns that page. If there is no page assigned, the code walks up the category hierarchy until it either finds a category with the page assigned or it reaches root. If no page is found even for root, it returns null.

var ignoreInvisiblePages = true;
var anAspectTypeID = "plp";

PageMgr.getPage(aCategory, ignoreInvisiblePages, anAspectTypeID);