Price Lookup Example

The following scenario illustrates the lookup of an effective sales price for a certain set and configuration of price books associated with a site.

The following price books are defined and associated with the same site:

Price Book ID Locale Active Currency
A ListPrices de_DE yes EUR
B StorePrices de_DE yes EUR
C AmazonPrices de_DE yes EUR
D ListPrices de_AT yes EUR
E StorePrices de_AT yes EUR
F AmazonPrices de_AT yes, Based on AllAffiliates EUR
G AllAffiliates de_AT yes EUR

Given these example price books, with these storefront entry points, the price lookup would include these price books:

Storefront Locale Price Books
Site de_DE A and B
Entering via Amazon de_DE A, B, and C
Site de_AT D and E
Entering via Amazon de_AT D, E, F, and G (G is the parent price book of F)

Customer group discount

The List Price book for the product is defined with the price 10.99 for a quantity of one. The price table for the product in the List price book is defined with volume-based discounts (and is in effect) as follows:

Quantity Price Note
2 9.49 Pay 9.49 each if you buy two items.
5 8.49 Pay 8.49 each if you buy five items.

A Sale price book contains a price table for the product listing volume-based discounts as follows, with no price defined for a quantity of one:

Quantity Price Note
2 8.49 Pay 8.49 each if you buy two items.
5 7.49 Pay 7.49 each if you buy five items.

When a customer orders, the prices appear according to the following rules:

  • For a quantity of one, the price from the List price book automatically appears as the best price. This price is used because there isn't another price defined for a quantity of one.
  • For a quantity of one, the additional volume-based discount price information shown is taken from the Sale price book price table. This discount price information is used because it's the best price for the volume-based discount.
  • For a quantity of two or more, the best price is delivered from the Sale price book price table, because those prices are the cheapest.
  • Based On price book contains the best price.

The List price book defines the price for the product as $10.99 for a quantity of one. The Sale price book is defined with volume-based discounts (and is in effect) as follows:

Quantity Price Note
1 9.99 Pay 9.99 for one item.
2 9.49 Pay 9.49 each if you buy two items.
5 8.49 Pay 8.49 each if you buy five items.

There is a List price book defined (and in effect) that contains a price table for the product that lists volume-based discounts as follows:

Quantity Price Note
2 8.49 Pay 8.49 each if you buy two items.
5 7.49 Pay 7.49 each if you buy five items.

There is a Based On price book defined (and in effect) that contains a price table for the product that lists volume-based discounts as follows:

Quantity Price Note
2 7.49 Pay 7.49 each if you buy two items.
5 6.49 Pay 6.49 each if you buy five items.

When a customer orders, the prices appear according to the following:

  • For a quantity of one, the best price appears as $9.99 because it is the cheapest price defined for a quantity of one.
  • For a quantity of one, the additional volume-based discount information shown comes from the Based On price book because it is the lowest price found.
  • For a quantity of greater than one, the best price comes from the Based On price book because it has the lowest prices.
  • For a quantity of greater than one, the additional volume-based discount information shown comes from the Based On price book, because it contains the lowest prices.
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