(static) Base/PaymentInstruments-AddPayment()
PaymentInstruments-AddPayment : The endpoint PaymentInstruments-AddPayment endpoint renders the page that allows a shopper to save a payment instrument to their account
Type | Description |
middleware |
csrfProtection.generateToken |
middleware |
consentTracking.consent |
middleware |
userLoggedIn.validateLoggedIn |
category |
sensitive |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/PaymentInstruments-DeletePayment()
PaymentInstruments-DeletePayment : The PaymentInstruments-DeletePayment is the endpoint responsible for deleting a shopper's saved payment instrument from their account
Type | Description |
middleware |
userLoggedIn.validateLoggedInAjax |
querystringparameter |
UUID - the universally unique identifier of the payment instrument to be removed from the shopper's account |
category |
sensitive |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/PaymentInstruments-Header()
PaymentInstruments-Header : The PaymentInstruments-Header endpoint is used as a remote include that renders the account header ISML template
Type | Description |
middleware |
server.middleware.include |
category |
sensitive |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/PaymentInstruments-List()
PaymentInstruments-List : The endpoint PaymentInstruments-List is the endpoint that renders a list of shopper saved payment instruments. The rendered list displays the masked card number expiration data and payemnt instrument type
Type | Description |
middleware |
userLoggedIn.validateLoggedIn |
middleware |
consentTracking.consent |
category |
sensitive |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/PaymentInstruments-SavePayment()
PaymentInstruments-SavePayment : The PaymentInstruments-SavePayment endpoint is the endpoit responsible for saving a shopper's payment to their account
Type | Description |
middleware |
csrfProtection.validateAjaxRequest |
querystringparameter |
UUID - the universally unique identifier of the payment instrument |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_creditCard_cardType - Input field credit card type (example visa) |
httpparameter |
paymentOption-Credit - Radio button, They payment instrument type (credit card is the only one subborted OOB with SFRA) |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_creditCard_cardOwner - Input field, the name on the credit card |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_creditCard_cardNumber - Input field, the credit card number |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_creditCard_expirationMonth - Input field, the credit card's expiration month |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_creditCard_expirationYear - Input field, the credit card's expiration year |
httpparameter |
makeDefaultPayment - Checkbox for whether or not a shopper wants to enbale the payment instrument as the default (This feature does not exist in SFRA OOB) |
httpparameter |
csrf_token - hidden input field CSRF token |
category |
sensitive |
serverfunction |
post |