Run a GMV Report

When you run GMV report, the system runs the appropriate query and writes the results to a comma-separated-value (CSV) file that you can download.

See Historical Reports: GMV for a definition of GMV.

Note: See Example GMV Calculation if you need basic instructions on how to re-calculate a Salesforce B2C Commerce invoice.
Note: See Taxation Impact On Subscription Fees to understand how tax calculations can significantly impact the subscription fees that you pay.
Note: The Business Manager Analytics module is available on all instance types. However, it's intended to be used on production instances to reflect real revenue. The auto-generated reports are only generated on production instances.
Note: You can set the brand and geographical location for the site; they then appear in GMV reports. See Site Brand and Billing Entity.
  1. Select Administration > Operations > GMV Reports.
    Report status appears in the Status section. Click Refresh to refresh your view as reports run.
  2. On the GMV reports page, click Create to create a report.
    1. Enter the report start date or select the date using the calendar widget.
    2. Enter the report end date or select the date using the calendar widget.
    3. Select the report type: see the following table.
    4. Select the report scope, for example, All Sites or one or more selected sites.
    Report Type Description
    Order Journal One row per line item in the order.
    GMV Report per Month One row for each site, month, order source, action, and item type included within the specified time range. B2C Commerce automatically generates this report on the first day of each month.
    GMV Report per Day One row for each unique combination of site, day, order source, action, and item type within the specified time range. B2C Commerce automatically generates this report on the first day of each month.
    GMV per Order One row for each unique combination of site, date, ordersource, action, order, and item type within the specified time range.
  3. Click Download in the Custom Reports section to compress or decompress your custom GMV reports. Select the reports to download. Click Compress (zipped) or Uncompress.
  4. Click a file name to open the file.
  5. Click <<Back to return to the GMV Reports page.
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