Future Prices Preview

Use the Toolkit Preview to confirm future dated prices for products on your site.

You can preview future dated prices for SiteGenesis and SFRA implementations of your B2C Commerce site. The Preview feature is available with future prices set in Business Manager price tables.

For example, your site has two price tables, one, that is continuous and one for a summer sale. The continuous price table is active except for the summer sale period when the summer sale price table is active. You can preview and confirm future pricing for products during the summer sale period using site preview.

SiteGenesis Pricing Preview

For a site genesis implementation, you can preview pricing in the product detail and product listing pages. Price information is retrieved using the PriceBookMgrImpl.getActivePriceScaleTable() method for product listing and product detail pages and uses the time set from this method (future date).

SFRA Pricing Preview

For an SFRA implementation, you can only view future dated pricing from the product detail page. The product listing doesn’t show future dated pricing.

To maximize search performance, SFRA uses a different method for the search and product listing pages. This method caches the quantity one prices for the given set of applicable price books. The cache is pre-populated at the top of each hour and the quantity one price is computed for the next one hour only, not for future dated prices.

Future Dated Pricing for Shoppers

You can also Customize your SFRA site to let your shoppers view and take advantage of a future dated price with the CustomerMgr.setEffectiveTime method. For example, when a shopper schedules a store pickup for next week, they can take advantage of reduced pricing set for that week.

Note: Future dated pricing for shoppers is only available as a customization with the CustomerMgr.setEffectiveTime method. An SFRA implementation configured with future dated pricing for shoppers only shows the future price in the product details page.
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