Set Up User Roles for On-Demand Sandboxes

An administrator uses Account Manager to assign appropriate roles to on-demand sandbox users. For each role, configure a scope filter and set it to All Sandboxes in the realm. Users assigned to the Sandbox API User role can consume credits and affect costs, so this role is typically not appropriate for developers. Developers can use all other roles to fully access on-demand sandbox features.

To assign roles to new or existing users, use the Create a User Account or Edit a User Account procedures.

Role Purpose Persona Scope Filter
Sandbox API User Create, manage, and operate on-demand sandboxes.
Important: Users assigned to the Sandbox API User role can create on-demand sandboxes and consume credits and affect costs.
  • Administrator
  • (Optional) Developer
All Sandboxes
Business Manager Administrator Access the on-demand sandbox using Business Manager, maintain data and use administrative functionality of on-demand sandboxes from Business Manager.
  • Business Manager Administrator
  • Developer
All Sandboxes
Log Center User View log files for on-demand sandboxes in Logcenter.
  • Administrator
  • Developer
All Sandboxes
OCAPI Explorer Debug User View debug information for OCAPI REST calls to the on-demand sandboxes.
  • Developer
All Sandboxes
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