Configure Storefront URL Preferences

You can enable your SEO URL rules for a site.

  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Storefront URLs.
  2. Select Enable Storefront URLs.
  3. Select Copy Source URL Parameters.
    The setting is used for URL redirect objects with the Copy Source URL Parameter value Default.
  4. Select Enforce HTTPS.

    This setting forces URL generation to use HTTPS protocol only. Incoming requests using HTTP are automatically redirected to HTTPS. If the global preference Enforce HTTPS setting is enabled, you can't modify this setting for a site .

  5. Click Apply.
  6. After you have configured and tested your storefront URLs, investigate whether you want to change the following:
    Option Description
    Code If you use the Salesforce B2C Commerce SEO Support module without custom code for SEO, no code changes are necessary to take advantage of this feature. If you have custom code or have other integrations for SEO, you can alter your custom code to work with the feature.
    Canonical links B2C Commerce best practice is to create canonical links for categories using the URLUtils method. If you used the URLUtils method, no changes to code are necessary. However, if you have hard-coded canonical links in your templates, you can update them to use your new URLs.
    Content links To ensure that you don't have to update links to reflect the new URLs, check links in your content assets. If you are using the content link functions, you don't have to update them. However, if you have included hard-coded links in your content assets, these links probably have to be updated.
    URL redirects Check your URL redirects to ensure that your redirects do not have to be adjusted to your new URLs. If the redirects are outdated or conflict with your new URLs, you can update them.
    Static mappings and mapping rules

    To make sure that your redirects don't have to be adjusted to your new URLs, check your URL mappings.

    Note: If your old URLs now match the new storefront URLs, a redirect is no longer necessary.
    Product ID search Make sure that the product ID search works as you expect if customers enter the product ID as it appears in the URL.
    Sitemap Create a sitemap that includes the SEO URLs.
  7. To view SEO URLs:
    Option Description
    In Business Manager After you configure SEO URLs, B2C Commerce runs a job to generate the URLs. You can see the status of the job on the URL Rules page General tab.
    In the browser When the URLs are generated, you can view them in your browser. In your storefront, if you hover over a category link, you can see the URL in the status bar. If you click the link, you can see the URL at the top of the browser.
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