Read-Only Price Books

Read-only price books import faster than standard price books at the cost of editability.

Note: To use read-only price books, an admin must enable the High Scale Price Books feature switch.
A read-only price book is an XML-based price book that imports a minimum of 60% quicker than a standard editable price book. Read-only price books don’t require product indexing for prices to take effect in the search index. Read-only price books can hold up to 300 million prices and are especially helpful for customers with large amounts of prices that need frequent updating. We recommend removing old price books and price entries to remain within the quota for optimal storefront performance.
Note: To import your current price books as read-only price books, enable the Import All Prices Books as Read Only preference in Administration > Global Preference > Import and Export. Then reimport your price books.

Because of the underlying storage technology used in read-only price books, you can't update individual prices or price tables using the standard Business Manager process. You can update prices by editing them in your PIM and reimporting the price book. In an emergency scenario, you can update a price book in Business Manager using a workaround.

Consider using read-only price books if you’re a third-party PIM for price management and frequently import product prices to Business Manager. We don't recommend this feature for merchants who maintain a few price books directly in Business Manager.

When importing a read-only price book, we recommend importing the price book to your staging instance. Then replicate the price book to your production instance.

Note: To let child price books override their parent price books, enable the pricing preference Enable Price Books Override in Administration > Global Preference > Pricing Preferences. This feature doesn't work if you have a mix of editable and read-only price books. If you have a mix of price book types, the editable price book always overwrites the read-only price.
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