Einstein Search Recommendations in the Search Query Testing Tool

Occasionally, Einstein search results are not displayed within the Search Query Testing Tool due to a cookie ID being available only in the storefront.

While browsing the storefront, the cqcid cookie is set. This cookie is used to identify the user and suggest search phrases appropriate to them.

Since cookies are domain-specific, this cookie cannot be parsed in the query testing tool if the storefront domain differs from the business manager domain. They always differ on production environments, because the storefront has a domain such as www.yourcompany.com, whereas the business manager has a domain such as production-realm-customer.demandware.net.

Note: Development and Staging environment domains can be identical, so the cookie works for the query testing tool without more action there, but not on production.

To see Einstein search suggestions, make sure that you first execute a few searches in the storefront.

If Einstein Search Suggestions are still not displaying in the search query testing tool, you are likely missing a cookie ID.

If the domains are not identical, you can explicitly pass the cookie value in the search query testing tool by copying it into the Personalization Cookie field. This field is only available when Einstein Search Suggestions are enabled.

To find the cookie in the storefront, you can use the Commerce Cloud Recommendation Validator plugin, as it lists the ID as "Cookie ID" under the Recommendations tag.

Alternatively, you can use your browser's developer tools or any cookie management plugin to identify the value of the cookie cgcid.

Note: If a cqcid cookie is available in the business manager domain, you can still enter a different ID to override it.
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