
Name Description
AspectAttributeValidationException This APIException is thrown by method PageMgr.renderPage(String, Map, String) and PageMgr.serializePage(String, Map, String) to indicate that the passed aspect attributes failed during validation against the definition provided through the aspect type of the page.
Component This class represents a page designer managed component as part of a page.
ComponentRenderSettings A config that drives how the component is rendered.
ComponentScriptContext This is the context that is handed over to the render and serialize function of the respective component type script.
CustomEditor This class represents a custom editor for component attributes of type custom.
CustomEditorResources This class represents the resources of a custom editor, i.e.
Page This class represents a page designer managed page.
PageMgr Provides functionality for getting, rendering and serializing page designer managed pages.
PageScriptContext This is the context that is handed over to the render and serialize function of the respective page type script.
Region This class represents a region which serves as container of components.
RegionRenderSettings A config that drives how the region is rendered.