Class ProductShippingModel
Instances of ProductShippingModel provide access to product-level shipping information, such as applicable or inapplicable shipping methods and shipping cost defined for the product for a specified shipping method.
Use ShippingMgr.getProductShippingModel(Product) to get the shipping model for a specific product.
applicableShippingMethods  :  Collection  (Read Only)
The active applicable shipping methods for the product related to this shipping model, i.e. shipping methods the product can be shipped with. A product can be shipping with a shipping methods if the shipping method is not explicitely marked as inapplicable for this product.
inapplicableShippingMethods  :  Collection  (Read Only)
The active inapplicable shipping methods for the product related to this shipping model, i.e. shipping methods the product cannot be shipped with. A product cannot be shipping with a shipping methods if the shipping method is explicitely marked as inapplicable for this product.
shippingMethodsWithShippingCost  :  Collection  (Read Only)
The active shipping methods for which either any fixed-price or surcharge product-level shipping cost is defined for the specified product.
Note that this can include inapplicable shipping methods (see getInapplicableShippingMethods()).
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
getApplicableShippingMethods() : Collection
Returns the active applicable shipping methods for the product related to this shipping model, i.e.
getInapplicableShippingMethods() : Collection
Returns the active inapplicable shipping methods for the product related to this shipping model, i.e.
getShippingCost(shippingMethod : ShippingMethod) : ProductShippingCost
Returns the shipping cost object for the related product and the specified shipping method, or null if no product-level fixed-price or surcharge shipping cost are defined for the specified product.
getShippingMethodsWithShippingCost() : Collection
Returns the active shipping methods for which either any fixed-price or surcharge product-level shipping cost is defined for the specified product.
Method Detail
getApplicableShippingMethods() : Collection
Returns the active applicable shipping methods for the product related to this shipping model, i.e. shipping methods the product can be shipped with. A product can be shipping with a shipping methods if the shipping method is not explicitely marked as inapplicable for this product.
Applicable shipping methods for the product

getInapplicableShippingMethods() : Collection
Returns the active inapplicable shipping methods for the product related to this shipping model, i.e. shipping methods the product cannot be shipped with. A product cannot be shipping with a shipping methods if the shipping method is explicitely marked as inapplicable for this product.
Inapplicable shipping methods for the product

getShippingCost(shippingMethod : ShippingMethod) : ProductShippingCost
Returns the shipping cost object for the related product and the specified shipping method, or null if no product-level fixed-price or surcharge shipping cost are defined for the specified product.

The following rules apply:

  • if fixed and surcharge shipping cost is defined for a product, the fixed cost takes precedence
  • if a product is member of multiple shipping cost groups, the lowest shipping cost takes precedence
shippingMethod - the shipping method to use.
Product shipping cost

getShippingMethodsWithShippingCost() : Collection
Returns the active shipping methods for which either any fixed-price or surcharge product-level shipping cost is defined for the specified product.
Note that this can include inapplicable shipping methods (see getInapplicableShippingMethods()).
Shipping methods with shipping cost