Class Coupon
Represents a coupon in Commerce Cloud Digital.
Constant representing coupon type multiple-codes.
Constant representing coupon type single-code.
Constant representing coupon type system-codes.
codePrefix  :  String  (Read Only)
The prefix defined for coupons of type TYPE_SYSTEM_CODES If no prefix is defined, or coupon is of type TYPE_SINGLE_CODE or TYPE_MULTIPLE_CODES, null is returned.
enabled  :  boolean  (Read Only)
Returns true if coupon is enabled, else false.
ID  :  String  (Read Only)
The ID of the coupon.
nextCouponCode  :  String  (Read Only)
The next unissued code of this coupon. For single-code coupons, the single fixed coupon code is returned. For all multi-code coupons, the next available, unissued coupon code is returned. If all codes of the coupon have been issued, then there is no next code, and null is returned. A transaction is required when calling this method. This needs to be ensured by the calling script.
promotions  :  Collection  (Read Only)
The coupon-based promotions directly or indirectly (through campaigns) assigned to this coupon.
redemptionLimitPerCode  :  Number  (Read Only)
The defined limit on redemption per coupon code. Null is returned if no limit is defined, which means that each code can be redeemed an unlimited number of times.
redemptionLimitPerCustomer  :  Number  (Read Only)
The defined limit on redemption of this coupon per customer. Null is returned if no limit is defined, which means that customers can redeem this coupon an unlimited number of times.
redemptionLimitPerTimeFrame  :  Number  (Read Only)
The defined limit on redemption per customer per time-frame (see getRedemptionLimitTimeFrame(). Null is returned if no limit is defined, which means that there is no time-specific redemption limit for customers.
redemptionLimitTimeFrame  :  Number  (Read Only)
The time-frame (in days) of the defined limit on redemption per customer per time-frame. Null is returned if no limit is defined, which means that there is no time-specific redemption limit for customers.
type  :  String  (Read Only)
The coupon type. Possible values are TYPE_SINGLE_CODE, TYPE_MULTIPLE_CODES and TYPE_SYSTEM_CODES.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
getCodePrefix() : String
Returns the prefix defined for coupons of type TYPE_SYSTEM_CODES If no prefix is defined, or coupon is of type TYPE_SINGLE_CODE or TYPE_MULTIPLE_CODES, null is returned.
getID() : String
Returns the ID of the coupon.
getNextCouponCode() : String
Returns the next unissued code of this coupon.
getPromotions() : Collection
Returns the coupon-based promotions directly or indirectly (through campaigns) assigned to this coupon.
getRedemptionLimitPerCode() : Number
Returns the defined limit on redemption per coupon code.
getRedemptionLimitPerCustomer() : Number
Returns the defined limit on redemption of this coupon per customer.
getRedemptionLimitPerTimeFrame() : Number
Returns the defined limit on redemption per customer per time-frame (see getRedemptionLimitTimeFrame().
getRedemptionLimitTimeFrame() : Number
Returns the time-frame (in days) of the defined limit on redemption per customer per time-frame.
getType() : String
Returns the coupon type.
isEnabled() : boolean
Returns true if coupon is enabled, else false.
Methods inherited from class PersistentObject
Method Detail
getCodePrefix() : String
Returns the prefix defined for coupons of type TYPE_SYSTEM_CODES If no prefix is defined, or coupon is of type TYPE_SINGLE_CODE or TYPE_MULTIPLE_CODES, null is returned.
Coupon code prefix or null

getID() : String
Returns the ID of the coupon.
Coupon ID

getNextCouponCode() : String
Returns the next unissued code of this coupon. For single-code coupons, the single fixed coupon code is returned. For all multi-code coupons, the next available, unissued coupon code is returned. If all codes of the coupon have been issued, then there is no next code, and null is returned. A transaction is required when calling this method. This needs to be ensured by the calling script.
Next available code of this coupon, or null if there are no available codes.

getPromotions() : Collection
Returns the coupon-based promotions directly or indirectly (through campaigns) assigned to this coupon.
Promotions assigned to the coupon in no particular order.

getRedemptionLimitPerCode() : Number
Returns the defined limit on redemption per coupon code. Null is returned if no limit is defined, which means that each code can be redeemed an unlimited number of times.
The maximum number of redemption per coupon code

getRedemptionLimitPerCustomer() : Number
Returns the defined limit on redemption of this coupon per customer. Null is returned if no limit is defined, which means that customers can redeem this coupon an unlimited number of times.
The maximum number of redemption per customer

getRedemptionLimitPerTimeFrame() : Number
Returns the defined limit on redemption per customer per time-frame (see getRedemptionLimitTimeFrame(). Null is returned if no limit is defined, which means that there is no time-specific redemption limit for customers.
The maximum number of redemption per customer within time-frame

getRedemptionLimitTimeFrame() : Number
Returns the time-frame (in days) of the defined limit on redemption per customer per time-frame. Null is returned if no limit is defined, which means that there is no time-specific redemption limit for customers.
Timeframe (days) of redemption per time

getType() : String
Returns the coupon type. Possible values are TYPE_SINGLE_CODE, TYPE_MULTIPLE_CODES and TYPE_SYSTEM_CODES.
Coupon type

isEnabled() : boolean
Returns true if coupon is enabled, else false.
true if coupon is enabled.