Origin Shielding Phase 3

To protect from bots and other malicious attacks on your environment, demandware.net lockdown (Origin Shielding Phase 3) blocks all traffic that doesn’t originate from the Commerce Cloud eCDN from accessing Commerce Cloud. All calls accessing PROD and DEV instances that aren’t internal to the Commerce Cloud ecosystem are rejected.

When: Phase 3 started August 15, 2022 and is scheduled to finish October 15, 2022.

Why: Demandware.net lockdown (Origin Shielding Phase II) protects you from bots and other malicious attacks on their environment. Improves the availability of Business Manager by ensuring all traffic is sent via the eCDN frontdoor.

How: To eliminate the impact of this change, ensure your implementation is modified as outline. See, Origin Shielding Phase3.

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