Annotate Images

You can explicitly annotate each image assignment with a combination of relative image path, view type or variation product, and a localizable alt description and image title.

  • You can explicitly define annotations using the Business Manager or import.
  • You can provide a default rule to define the annotation values (for Alt and title) following a pattern.

    A rule is based on marker attributes or simple string expressions. The default rule must be specified within the catalog image settings default rules.

Attribute Markers

Salesforce B2C Commerce supports the following attribute markers:

Marker Description
${productname} The name of the product or variation in current locale.
${variationvalue} The display value of the related variation attribute in current locale. If display value is undefined, it is the value itself.
${viewtype} The viewtype itself.

Here are some sample rules:

"${productname} - Large"
"${productname} - ${viewtype}"

When the customer hovers over an image, text such as the following appears:

workboots - mini

Annotation Processing

The annotation lookup process uses the following fallback mechanism:

Step B2C Commerce...
The process begins Tries to get an explicitly defined annotation for the current request locale, for example, "de_DE".
The annotation is unavailable Tries to get an explicitly defined annotation for language, for example, "de".
The annotation is unavailable Tries to get an explicitly defined annotation for lead locale, for example, "default".
No explicitly defined annotation is available Uses the default rule pattern.
No default rule pattern is defined Returns null.
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