Preview a Site Using the Site Preview Tool

In your sandbox, development, or staging instances, you can use the Site Preview Tool to view the storefront as it appears for a certain date or time. You can choose to view the storefront as it appears for certain customer groups, or with certain source code. You can also preview an A/B test on a storefront by entering the A/B test and A/B test segment values.

Note: The Site Preview Tool is only available in you sandbox, development, or staging instances. It is not available in your production instance.
  1. Select the site to view and click Toolkit.
    A new tab opens showing the storefront, with the Storefront Toolkit icons in the upper right corner.
  2. Click the Preview Settings Tool icon.
  3. (Optional) Enter a Date and Time.

    The Site Preview Tool uses the date and time format for the site locale according to the corresponding definition in regional settings. If multiple locales are allowed for a site, the tool uses the current locale.

    If you select a date in the past, the currrent content shows in the storefront. If the content asset was removed, no content is shown.

  4. (Optional) Enter a source code or customer group.

    You can't select Registered and Unregistered at the same time.

    If source codes or customer groups that you created within the last few minutes aren't available to select, you can try to refresh the page or reopen the Storefront Toolkit.

  5. To preview an A/B test:
    1. Select the A/B test.
    2. Select the A/B test segment.
    3. Enter a date that falls within the schedule of the A/B test. If you don't enter a date, the preview tool uses the test's effective date. If the test is inactive at the time you select, an error appears.

    If A/B tests or A/B test segments that you created within the last few minutes aren't available to select, you can try to refresh the page or reopen the Storefront Toolkit.

  6. To test promotions using the test promotions tool, select Enable Promotion Tracing and enter a Promotion Trace ID by which to track promotion messages in the Request Log.
    See Test Promotions Using the Promotions Tracing Tool for information about promotion tracking.
  7. (Optional) Set date to preview future dated pricing.
    1. In Step3, enter the future date you want to preview.
    2. Confirm that you’ve rebuilt the product index since importing or setting price tables.
      Note: For SFRA implementations, future pricing is only shown in the product details page. The product listing page shows current pricing only. It doens't show future pricing.
  8. Click Preview.
    The URL in the browser tab includes the date and time in the locale-specific format. For a source code or customer group preview, the storefront shows content slots, prices, and other data for the specified time. For an A/B test preview, the promotions, discounts, slots, and sorting rules related to the A/B test segment are enabled, regardless of the scheduled time of the A/B test.
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